Unborn Souls selected in “Diabolical Horror Film Festival”

Dear Homayoon,

You did it! Your film, music video, web series, or script has been accepted into our online festival! To err on the safe side, we will only be showing trailers for all the projects in our screening room unless you’d like us to show your full short or feature. We’ve assumed it’s ok to go ahead and embed any web series or shorts that are already publicly online from their creators (we don’t re-upload or host any content on our site so we can only embed videos already online somewhere, which means you keep full control over your content and can make it private again whenever you like aka we never put anything on YouTube or Vimeo ourselves). If you’d like us to embed your full short, music video, feature, or web series, please send an email to diabolicalhorrorfilmfestival@hotmail.com with a YouTube or Vimeo link that allows video embedding but for Vimeo, that means your video *cannot* be private or embedding won’t work; however, you can make your video public just for the short duration of the festival then make it private again after (all full films will be taken down by Nov 5th but you can make them private again sooner if you like). Please keep in mind you don’t have to make your full film publicly available if you don’t want to. That’s completely ok. It doesn’t affect the judging for the Carnage Awards at all (our judges have already seen your work via FilmFreeway). Anyway, send us that link if you like and we’ll get it up right away but please let us know as soon as possible. We will be updating our website over the next few days listing all the selected films with trailers (we won’t put the scripts online of course although if you want to make a promo sheet or ad for your script, we’re happy to put that up too). If we don’t have your trailer up yet, feel free to email us a link. Announcements and laurels for the Carnage Awards will be sent out by November 10th. You can download our Official Selection laurel here: https://filmfreeway.com/laurels/8825/DiabolicalHorrorFilmFestival

Our website’s address is (you can see the screening room link there and we’ll put posters for all the official selections on our front page over the next few days):

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